2 Photos
"Family of 4 looking to make a fresh start "
Hello we are a family of 4 who are looking to move out of our area and start fresh with in a new area due to personal reasons.
we would like hedge end area due to family support being over that way.
we are looking for a 2/3 bedroom house that allows pets as we have 3 cats already.
due to me being registered disable none of us work as my partner is my full time carer.
we are looking to move before September so the kids won\'t have to start nursery and then move to a different one as we have already had to do that once before and it unsettles them alot thank you
Southampton, Hampshire
I am looking to:
Improve my home
I currently:
Rent (Social)
I am interested in:
  • Gardens
Daily Property News UK homes & property round up
Posted 1 day ago
This Beverley property has just Sold
3 Bedroom Detached in Plot 43 Sold in 1 days. Asking price was £290,000, View property
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