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"Local London Contractors Group"
Welcome To Local London Contractors
Cleaning Since 2012
All services provided by LLC Group are directly associated with the sequence of construction. Allowing LLC Group to provide considerable coordination benefits between trades to help reduce unnecessary cost management.

Our Specialisation
Our clients have endorsed our cleaning services to be the best in London. Our services include builder clean, home demos, floor polishing and more.

Our pretigious abseiling workforce professionally clean highrise buildings including glazing, facade and brickwork.

After Care Package
One-stop shop for all aftercare services. One of the only contractors providing all services such as plumbing, joinery, painting, drylining, handyman under one company. Instead of dealing with multiple trades, you are dealing with one company.

Areas: Canary Wharf, Canada Water, Greenwich, Poplar, Stratford, Woolwich, Croydon, South Croydon, Bank, Barbican, Spitalfields, St Pauls, Farringdon, Clerkenwell, Holborn, Fitzrovia, Soho, Mayfair, Marylebone, Paddington

Working Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:30AM - 5PM

London, Greater London
020 3637 5412
This Gateshead property has just been reduced
1 Bedroom Flat in Inskip Terrace reduced from £525 to £495 View property
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Please check out some of our other websites:

Mouseprice is the property portal for sellers and landlords with a focus on property valuation and property data.

See the estimated value of any property in the UK, or if you’re a true property data nerd check out Mouseprice Pro.

OurProperty is the property log book site.

It’s where homeowners can organise their property in one place.

It’s a secure store for any relevant documentation such as title deeds, builders invoices, dishwasher warranty, fensa certificates etc.

And a great place to manage household bills and home improvements, and to save money in the process.

Disclaimer - Local London Contractors Group. The information contained in this profile is provided by the business themselves as an advertisement for their services, with the exception of the Reviews which are verified by the business only. is not endorsing this business and makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the advertisement or any linked or associated information, and does not check or verify the accuracy of the content. The information is generated, provided and maintained by Local London Contractors Group. Please contact the business directly to obtain further information about their property services. The information in the Reviews is the opinion of the author only, it is not supplied by the business and therefore may not covered by the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008.
