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Homeowners who are looking to enhance the aesthetic beauty and overall efficiency of their properties often opt to replace their windows and sliding doors. Windows are also a primary consideration when customizing new construction or restoring old units. Currently, an all new appreciation is growing for the classic, box sash window. Far more intricate than basic, modern designs, these carefully crafted units can give homes a timeless appeal. Following is everything you need to know about the history of box sash windows.

Service Hours:
Monday: 9AM–5PM
Tuesday: 9AM–5PM
Wednesday: 9AM–5PM
Thursday: 9AM–5PM
Friday: 9AM–5PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Marylebone, Soho, Shepherd\'s Bush, Chiswick, Mayfair, Kensington, Ealing, Acton, Notting Hill, Paddington, Bayswater, Holland Park

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